Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gratitude and attitude

Mostly attitude.

Dahlings, I am walking the red carpet. Tabitha awarded Jacqui's Room the Lemonade Stand award. While I did not go crazy tracing the origins of this award through the blogosphere, I did learn that it is an award for showing "gratitude and/or great attitude."

Clearly Tabitha has only been pretending to read my blog. Or maybe she loves Jacqui's Room, but nobody has yet invented an award for whining in the face of tremendous luck and generally being ranty.*

I am to post the graphic above (check), link back to Tabitha (check), and nominate 5 other blogs. I'm not nominating any other blogs right now. This is not because I am an ingrate with a bad attitude. It is because nobody is more gratitudy and attitudy than Christy, but she's already won this (twice?). I promise to spend many hours scouring the internet for deserving recipients of whom you have never heard and to post them for your viewing pleasure.

In the meantime, if you haven't checked out Tabitha's blog, I do recommend it. She has some of the most thoughtful book reviews and essays on writing around.

* I am kidding, of course, and am much appreciative. It is always good to be smiled on by great folks.


Mary Witzl said...

Oh, I WISH someone would come up with an award for being whiny and ranty: I would absolutely be a shoo-in for that!

Congratulations on your attitude and gratitude. I certainly agree about Tabitha's blog, which has been such a help to me. And I so often agree with her: there are times I almost think I must have written her posts except for the fact that they're thoughtfully written and more knowledgeable than anything I could come up with...

Tabitha said...

"Clearly Tabitha has only been pretending to read my blog."

Yep, you caught me. Actually, I'm pretending right now. :) Jeez, you got eyes in the back of your head or something. You must have kids. :)

And thanks for the compliments...

Jacqui said...

Mary, maybe I should invent one...

Tabitha, no, thank YOU for the award and I hope you don't regret giving it to me now. And, yeah, eyes in the back of head, definitely. But they still get away with murder.

C.R. Evers said...

awwww! Jacqui!!!! Thnx for saying something so nice about me!!!! That makes my day and causes me to use an abundance of exclamation points!!!!

I'm actually quite the whiner and dropped the ball on the Lemonade stand award. But thanks for the link and the kind words. :0D Makes me smile. :0D :0D :0D
