Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Goethe's Faust: the Jacqui's Room Notes

With apologies to Charlie Daniels. For the full effect, click here to listen while you read...

Goethe's Faust, Part 1, the country music hit

The devil went up to heaven, he was looking to spar with God.
He said, “You’d better bet the devil can get that Faust down there. He’s odd.”
God laughed and said, “No way, Evil Angel. You know Faust’s my favorite man.
He spends his days a-just a-learnin’ stuff and doin’ the best he can.”

But the devil he was cocky, he got God to say okay,
Then Mephisto fell back down to earth, to steal Faust’s soul away.
Now Faust was suicidal; he’d been whining for a while:
“I’m so bereft, ain’t nothing left on earth can make me smile.”
So he thought he’d outsmart the devil, signed in blood and at the end
Added “Come the day you hear me say, ‘stop time!’ you kill me then.”

Faust, it’s you they say’s so smart, come on and use your noodle.
‘Cos hell’s broke loose in Germany and it’s dressed up like a poodle.
While you’re on earth, it’s you he’ll serve with love and smiles and gold,
But when you die, the devil gets your soul.

(feel free to dance during the guitar solos and the next verse and join us for Johnny's performance)

Fire on the streets, twirl boys, twirl.
The devil's gonna get Faust a girl.
Kill her mother and her brother, and her honor too.
Faust'll run away before part two.


J. Thorp said...

I love it! But props to the inspired original lyrics:

Fire on the mountain! Run boys run!
Devil's in the house with the risin' sun!
Chicken in the bread pan pickin' out dough!
Granny does your dog bite? No, chile, no!

Kristi Valiant said...

How creative!

This week was Mary Poppins for me. I would've liked to do an illustration for this one, but I'm under tight illustration deadlines for the next couple weeks. Mary Poppins was a good, clean, fun read. Not the most intriguing book ever, but fun. It was similar in character and style to the movie, but quite different in actual events. One chapter in the book called Bad Tuesday focused on Michael who had a funny feeling and all of the sudden realized that he was going to be bad that day. Very bad. That would have been a fun chapter to illustrate!

C.R. Evers said...

LOL! love it! :0)


Elise Murphy said...

God, Jacqui, you're killing me! Thanks for the smiles after my obsessive news watching day!

Mary Witzl said...

Oh rats, I love that Charlie Daniels song, but we've gone and packed up the stereo and I can't listen to it!

I like this one too!