Thursday, July 30, 2009


Shh. I am not here. I am revising and dealing with paperwork and doing PR for Two of a Kind and paying my 2008 taxes (long story) and dragging boxes of books to the library (even longer story) and researching the veins in the ankle (don't even ask).

But it's Thursday! And I love this.

Apparently, researchers in Laos have discovered a new species of bird: the bald bare-faced bulbul bird.

The bald bare-faced bulbul bird. For the love of Dr. Seuss, who made up that name?! And they had to know what they were saying when they described its call as "bubbling." Who will write me a silly picture book involving bubbling bald bare-faced bulbul bird babies? Having breakfast among the branches, perhaps. No need for illustrations; I mean, look at it. It already looks Seussian. Poor beastly baby bald bare-faced bulbul bird.

In other news: I'm famous. Well, let's just say I am like a small-to-middling sized fish in a teeny tiny pond. The Saline Reporter sent a Saline reporter to my book signing and printed this lovely article all about your truly. AND there's a decent picture, which is nice.

Long time visitors to Jacqui's Room may remember last July when I had this little freak-out. Tomorrow is August and it is FINALLY summer weather in Michigan. I am going to throw my kids and myself in the pool and not let anyone out until Labor Day.

1 comment:

C.R. Evers said...

What a cute bird!

Have fun swimming!