Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 21 - Blood Meridian

Welcome to week 9 of our Remedial Lit Summer Project, which features Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian.

Which is a comedy, right?

What were you thinking?! You hate violence! You couldn't even sit still through Reservoir Dogs! Now you're going to read this?! Do you not remember calling his other masterpiece "All the Really Boring Horses"?

I am back from the beach and ready to do nothing but write.*

Coming attractions include thoughts on Inferno and In Search of Lost Time, seaweed, and The Least You Need to Know: the author-agent relationship...

* And blog. And sell my house. And pack then move then unpack. And figure out why my luggage landed in Detroit smelling like elephant dung.


Marcia said...

Do you not remember calling his other masterpiece "All the Really Boring Horses"?

LOL. Very funny blog!

Marcia (mrh from Verla's)

Anonymous said...

Elephant dung doesn't smell. It must be something else. Joyce

Jacqui said...

Thanks, Marcia!

J. Thorp said...

I think I'm skipping Blood Meridian -- I have all the other books I planned to read, plus an uncracked "Leaves of Grass" -- guess I'll go with that for now ...

Jacqui said...

Thorp, very wise, I think. I'm looking forward to Leaves of Grass myself.

Anne Spollen said...

I can read almost anything, but I cannot read Cormac McCarthy. I feel like I'm being tortured -- not that he's a bad writer - far from it - just the subject matter.
Good luck with that one ;)

Jacqui said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Anne...

Mary Witzl said...

Boy, I'm with Anne on Cormac McCarthy. Life is just too short. I've never really read Proust either, and although I know I should be ashamed, I'm not.

I'll be really impressed if you get through Blood Meridian. If it were me, I'd probably list this accomplishment on my C.V.

Jacqui said...

I have to say: I started Blood Meridian, and it is WONDERFUL. I can't put it down.

The body count is well into the thousands by page 40, though, and ain't nothin' subtle about the violence...